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CAC Member Selection Announcement

CAC Member Selection Announcement

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The Wiregrass Museum of Art (WMA) announces its selection of community advisory committee members, following a public call for community participation earlier this spring through an application process. This committee is focused on working alongside museum board and staff to provide community feedback and to be ambassadors for the museum’s mission and vision.

Community Advisory Committee members include Lisa Ennis, Erika Faulk, Amanda Gomez, Alison Hall, Katy Lewis, Phillip Metcalf, Claire Necessary, Calencia Perry, Derrick Tiller, Mikhele Trice, and Keith Wilson. Each committee member volunteers their time, meeting quarterly for working sessions at the museum, and has committed to a 1-2 year term.

“For the museum to be of most value to the community members, we have to listen to the community about what they want and need. The Community Advisory Committee allows for just that. I look forward to the input that they will provide so we can enhance our programming and bring new ideas and avenues to what we do through art.” said Collins Trott, vice president of the Board of Trustees.

WMA’s Community Advisory Committee has already begun its work, at a July 6, 2021 meeting, where committee members previewed exhibitions, shared community connections, and discussed community needs that WMA could respond to through its programming and/or platform.

WMA accepts applications for future committee cohorts on an ongoing basis through its website and in person. More information can be found at https://www.wiregrassmuseum.org/community-advisory-committee/.

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