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Out of the (Art) Box Wrap Up

Out of the (Art) Box 2020 is a wrap! This innovative installation competition has been at WMA (in various forms) since 2010. But wait! What’s an installation you ask? The Tate explains, “the term installation art is used to describe large-scale, mixed-media constructions, often designed for a specific place or for a temporary period of time.” Out of the (Art) Box invites teams of high school and, now, middle school students to the museum to create an installation based on a theme and in a designated space, both given to them upon arrival. The museum provides limited supplies and each team may bring with them one box of supplies that they think could be useful. Oh, and they only have two days to design and build their works. Each team is paired with a mentor to help guide their process. The competed works remain on display throughout Youth Art Month. It’s utter chaos at the museum for two days but the end results are always worth it!